First, to this problem the existence of a master is irrelevant. If the
project is updated, so will the master be; that is what I said.
So let's forget about the master.
What you say is I shall provide the individual resources with a list of
tasks they are to do (how do you make this one in the first place? Is it
.mpp or .xls or ???); they can enter updates (typically actual work by
period) and I want that reflected in the project the task belongs to.
This is perfectly possible but only through Project Server or through VBA
programming. I have done this for several customers in a more or less
sophisticated solution.
Long before starting worrying about the code you should analyse this like a
normal application. Which info goes where? Where are input/output files
located? Which format will I send to the resoruces...
Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
Post by jrNot Really
I have projects with tasks and subtasks to be handled by a number of
developers, each developer will be assigned to a task and will have his
separate file listing down all the task(only his) he is supposed to handle
in different projects, as he updates his file, the master plan(schedule)
should be automatically update
Post by Jan De MessemaekerHi,
That is how Insert, Project works, doesn't it?
Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620
Post by jrHi All
i want to have a master plan as a master project and tasks and subtasks
Post by jrbe updated by other projects (subprojects) automatically
Thanx in Advance